Colección de arte

Su búsqueda arrojó 15680 resultados
Item Object
    [main_element_name:protected] => Title
    [synonym_element_name:protected] => 
    [new_medias:protected] => Array

    [new_altos:protected] => Array

    [id:protected] => 28974
    [data:protected] => Array
            [id] => 28974
            [itemtype_id] => 2
            [language_id] => 30
            [media_uuid] => 96b60cfd-baa6-42e4-9d69-5eb637f87bb7
            [media_default] => COLEC. ESPECIAL MUSEO
            [published] => 1
            [published_oai] => 1
            [import_id] => 
            [oai_identifier] => 
            [oai_import] => 0
            [father_id] => 0
            [order] => 0
            [created_on] => 2018-01-23 09:13:01
            [modified_on] => 2022-11-17 16:04:03
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            [elements] => Array
                    [Title] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [name] => Title
                            [description] => A name given to the resource.
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
                            [options] => 
                            [lock] => 0
                            [not_visible] => 0
                            [created_on] => 2013-06-24 11:03:55
                            [modified_on] => 2015-03-05 10:56:32
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                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => Colección de arte
                                            [html] => Colección de arte



                    [Text] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 816
                            [name] => Text
                            [description] => Este campo se usa para poner texto que va directamente, sin mostrar el nombre del campo en el FRONT.
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
                            [options] => 
                            [lock] => 0
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                            [created_on] => 2017-12-19 15:40:16
                            [modified_on] => 2022-05-20 12:46:11
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                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => La Colección abarca desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el arte más actual y su presentación en las salas del Museo ha sido objeto de distintas reordenaciones desde su origen. LaDigitaldelReina funciona como un archivo de las narrativas y relecturas articuladas desde 2010 y permite explorar las obras que han formado parte de estas reformulaciones.
                                            [html] => La Colección abarca desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el arte más actual y su presentación en las salas del Museo ha sido objeto de distintas reordenaciones desde su origen. LaDigitaldelReina funciona como un archivo de las narrativas y relecturas articuladas desde 2010 y permite explorar las obras que han formado parte de estas reformulaciones.



                    [Estructura] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 960
                            [name] => Estructura
                            [description] => Campo Gallery para determinar si se ofrece la estructura (cuadro de clasificación) en el Indice fíjo (franja gris)de las colecciones. Solo es necesaria en archivos. Por eso se rellenará con YES/NO
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
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                            [lock] => 0
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                            [created_on] => 2021-05-28 09:21:14
                            [modified_on] => 2022-09-08 12:23:50
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                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => NO
                                            [html] => NO



                    [Pie_de_imagen] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 986
                            [name] => Pie_de_imagen
                            [description] => campo para indicar el pie de imagen en los thumnails de las colecciones (recuadro gris)
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
                            [options] => 
                            [lock] => 0
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                            [created_on] => 2022-05-18 11:55:55
                            [modified_on] => 2022-05-20 12:44:29
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                            [is_synonym] => 0
                            [is_to_listing] => 0
                            [texts] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => Obras de arte
                                            [html] => Obras de arte



                    [Title_EN] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 987
                            [name] => Title_EN
                            [description] => Titulo de las colecciones para la página en inglés
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
                            [options] => 
                            [lock] => 0
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                            [created_on] => 2022-05-20 07:40:30
                            [modified_on] => 2022-05-20 12:46:38
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                            [is_to_listing] => 0
                            [texts] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => Art collection
                                            [html] => Art collection



                    [Text_EN] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 988
                            [name] => Text_EN
                            [description] => se incluye en este campo el texto sobre las colecciones para la página en inglés
                            [type] => TEXT
                            [itemtype_id] => 0
                            [data] => 
                            [options] => 
                            [lock] => 0
                            [not_visible] => 0
                            [created_on] => 2022-05-20 07:41:32
                            [modified_on] => 2022-05-20 12:43:04
                            [itempage_id] => 2
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                            [texts] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [text] => The Reina Sofía Museum Collection begins at the end of the 19th century, posing the conflicts between a dominant modernity understood as progress and its multiple discontents, being an ideology that is constantly contested on both the social and political, as well as the cultural and artistic fronts. The avant-garde, in its reinvention of the subject, the public and the artistic medium, became a symptom of the new 20th century.
                                            [html] => The Reina Sofía Museum Collection begins at the end of the 19th century, posing the conflicts between a dominant modernity understood as progress and its multiple discontents, being an ideology that is constantly contested on both the social and political, as well as the cultural and artistic fronts. The avant-garde, in its reinvention of the subject, the public and the artistic medium, became a symptom of the new 20th century.



                    [LG_stats_files] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 955
                            [name] => LG_stats_files
                            [description] => 
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                                            [html] => 1



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                            [name] => LG_stats_server_size
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                            [itemtype_id] => 
                            [data] => 
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                                            [text] => 0.4
                                            [html] => 0.4





    [dirty:protected] => Array

    [db:protected] => DatabaseConnection Object


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